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August 30, 2024: Update on Eric Langton Replacement Project

August 30, 2024

Summer Progress

Work on the sediment pond on the northwest corner of the site was completed over summer break, and the pedestrian path between the school and 122nd Avenue has been reopened. Unfortunately, additional work on the site was delayed as the district awaited utility approvals. The district anticipates receiving a permit from Fortis BC during the first week of school, with the site excavation expected to begin in early September.

While the delay may impact the projected completion date, the district will work closely with the contractor to explore mitigation strategies to minimize the effect on the overall timeline.


Main Access Points (Reminder)

As communicated in the May 22, 2024, update, construction vehicles will access the school site from 227th Street, and main access to the school will be from Edge Street.

Environmental School families will be able to access the James Best Centre from 227th Street, Edge Street, and 122nd Avenue.

The updated sitemap outlines walkways (green), construction access routes (yellow), as well as no access construction zones (purple).


Construction Work on 12155 Edge Street

There is now also construction work at 12155 Edge Street across from Eric Langton Elementary and James Best Centre. Due to this work, the city has closed the pathway from 224th Street to Edge Street until mid-2026.

The contractor for the Edge Street project has been made aware of pickup and drop-off times and will attempt to reduce construction traffic in this area during those periods.


Possible Temporary Parking

Finally, the school district is working with the City of Maple Ridge to investigate the possibility of creating additional temporary parking just off 227th Street. Although this temporary parking area would primarily be for contractor use, it could also be available to the community if there is sufficient space. If approved, the temporary parking area would likely be available in November 2024. We will provide an update once one is available.

Our vision
Our vision is for every individual to feel valued and for all learners to reach their potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to support all individuals in their development as successful learners, and as respectful, caring and responsible members of society.