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District Highlights

Leaders of Tomorrow: Thomas Hong – Maple Ridge Secondary

A Grade 12 student at MRSS during the 2015-16 school year, Thomas has taken on various leadership responsibilities in and outside of school. 

He has held various leadership roles in the school over the years, including being one of the first Link Crew members at MRSS. He has been a member for the past two years, assisting new-coming Grade 8s to become familiar with the life of a high school student.

He is part of the Athletic Leadership class, and co-plans lunchtime sports and intramurals for all throughout the school year. Thomas and his good friend Curtis Rodgerson (Thomas Haney Secondary) played a significant role in forming and organizing the Maple Ridge High School Ball Hockey League.  As captain of the team, Thomas led MRSS Ramblers to first place with an astonishing record of five wins, one tie and a second place in the playoffs. He will be leading his team to participate in the BC High School Championships in Surrey.

Outside of school, Thomas brings his leadership to the hockey rink. He has been given the captain or the assistant captain for six out of eight ball hockey seasons and three out of four ice hockey seasons. Also, his passion for ball hockey has given him a chance to represent Team BC twice, winning silver in 2013 and bronze in 2015.

Thomas has taken a greater leadership role as a head coach for a minor team with Ridge Meadows Minor Ball Hockey Association this year. Additionally, Thomas plays piano at recitals and volunteers his time playing at various retirement homes. Thomas also helps with food bank and gathers donations for different organizations.

As he gains experience, Thomas wishes to become a great leader and take on more leadership roles throughout his life.  After high school, he plans on going into nursing and work at BC Children’s Hospital one day.

About Leaders of Tomorrow

The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District (SD42) has teamed up with the Maple Ridge News to celebrate local students who are making a difference at school and in the community. Elementary and secondary students featured as Leaders of Tomorrow were picked by their principals for making positive achievements in academics, sports, arts and community involvement.

The list is just a sample of outstanding students in the school district selected by their school during the 2015/16 school year – there are many others  who were equally deserving of recognition for their exemplary achievements both inside and outside the classroom. ?

Every Tuesday throughout the school year, SD42 will profile a student selected as one of the 2016 Leaders of Tomorrow.

Leaders Tomorrow

Our vision
Our vision is for every individual to feel valued and for all learners to reach their potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to support all individuals in their development as successful learners, and as respectful, caring and responsible members of society.