District Highlights

2018 Leaders of Tomorrow: Curtis Cunningham – Yennadon

Curtis Cunningham is a Grade 7 student at Yennadon Elementary school (2017-18 school year).

During his time at Yennadon, Curtis has shown himself to be an excellent citizen in both his classroom and throughout the school. Regardless of whether he is participating in classroom activities, playing school sports, or helping around the school, Curtis is an excellent role model to both his peers and younger students.

Curtis exhibits excellent leadership qualities in his Grade 6/7 class. He consistently helps others without being directed to do so and, because he is enrolled in an accelerated math program, he peer tutors during math blocks. His work habits, attitude and determination have helped him set the standard for academic achievement in the classroom.

Over the past two years, Curtis has participated in a variety of extra-curricular activities at Yennadon, and has been an integral member of the volleyball, track and field, and basketball teams. This year, his competitive basketball team competed in the district championship game.

Outside of school, Curtis demonstrates leadership in the Ridge Meadows athletic community. He plays at a competitive level in both ice hockey and baseball. Curtis is viewed by his coaches as dependable, positive and hard-working. He is competitive, but treats his teammates, opponents and referees with respect. Curtis is not one to draw attention to himself as evidenced by his coach’s words, “Curtis is fine with taking on the less glamorous roles to support his teammates and to better the team.”

Curtis is a quiet leader who helps others succeed. He has demonstrated leadership on and off the ice as an assistant captain for his team. His dedication, persistence and work ethic have been instrumental in his being selected to play on rep level teams in both hockey and baseball.

While Curtis Cunningham is a strong student and an exceptional athlete, he is most importantly an outstanding citizen. His friendly smile and desire to help others enriches the lives of students, staff, coaches and team mates. His drive, positive attitude and tireless work ethic will support him well as he transitions to Thomas Haney Secondary in the fall.


About Leaders of Tomorrow

The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District (SD42) has teamed up with the Maple Ridge News to celebrate local students who are making a difference at school and in the community. Elementary and secondary students featured as Leaders of Tomorrow were picked by their principals for making positive achievements in academics, sports, arts and community involvement.

The list is just a sample of outstanding students in the school district selected by their school during the 2017/18 school year – there are many others who were equally deserving of recognition for their exemplary achievements both inside and outside the classroom.

Every Tuesday throughout the school year, SD42 will profile a student selected as one of the 2018 Leaders of Tomorrow.

Our vision
Our vision is for every individual to feel valued and for all learners to reach their potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to support all individuals in their development as successful learners, and as respectful, caring and responsible members of society.