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New BC Early Years Centre opens in Maple Ridge

November 25, 2016


Parents of young children in Maple Ridge will be able to access a range of early learning, health and family services in one convenient location now that a new BC Early Years Centre has opened at Blue Mountain Elementary to serve families with children aged 0-6.

“As host agency, the Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District is proud to partner with community members in establishing a school-based Early Years Centre at Blue Mountain Elementary in East Maple Ridge. We are excited to collaborate with our early learning community partners to support families by connecting them to valuable program options available in our community,” said District Helping Teacher Janet Smith.

“The provision of supports, such as information on social-emotional health, parenting, kindergarten transition, child care options, and early intervention opportunities aligns with our district mission of supporting all individuals in their development as successful learners.”

Supported by the Ridge Meadows Early Childhood Development Committee and hosted and coordinated by the Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District (No. 42), the Blue Mountain Elementary Early Years Centre offers a number of programs, services and supports, including:

  • Child Care Resource & Referral
  • Westcoast Family Centre’s Nobody’s Perfect
  • Family Education & Support Centre’s Mother Goose
  • SD42 Early Literacy Drop-In
  • Family Education & Support Centre’s Parent & Play Speaker Series in partnership with Public Health and Ridge Meadows Child Development Centre
  • Maple Ridge Library’s Storytime
  • Community Schools Mad Science Program
  • Community Schools and EYC Parent Coffee Drop-in

“The Ridge Meadows Early Childhood Development Committee is extremely excited and grateful to have acquired a BC Early Years Centre for Maple Ridge that will serve families with many diverse needs,” said Roberta O’Brien, Early Years Centre coordinator at Blue Mountain. “Located in Blue Mountain Elementary School, funded by United Way of the Lower Mainland and next door to a StrongStart, this centre will ensure that families with young children will be well connected to community agencies and organizations and the plethora of services, supports and programs that they offer.”

This new centre is part of a commitment under the BC Early Years Strategy to implement a network of BC Early Years Centres across the province that will provide families with one-stop, convenient access to a range of services and supports, information and referrals. The Blue Mountain Elementary Early Years Centre is one of 21 new BC Early Years Centres opening this year bringing the total number of centres to 47.

“Strong families are an integral part of strong communities, and supporting parents of young children in their earliest years can make a big difference to those families,” said Marc Dalton, MLA for Maple Ridge-Mission. “The Blue Mountain Elementary Early Years Centre will help strengthen our community by providing a range of programs and supports to families in Maple Ridge with young children.”

BC Early Years Centres are located in a diverse mix of urban, rural and Aboriginal communities throughout the province, and are meant to build on existing local community resources to enhance services for families. Each centre received $52,000 from the Provincial Office for the Early Years for this fiscal year as part of a $5.5-million investment over three years.

The partners of the Blue Mountain Elementary Early Years Centre include: Ridge Meadows Child Development Centre, Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living, Family Education & Support Centre, Maple Ridge Library, Fraser Health, Westcoast Family Centres and Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Community Services (including Child Care Resource & Referral).

The Blue Mountain Elementary Early Years Centre is located at 12153 248th Street in Maple Ridge and is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Our vision
Our vision is for every individual to feel valued and for all learners to reach their potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to support all individuals in their development as successful learners, and as respectful, caring and responsible members of society.