
In Education: For more flexible education

November 7, 2016

In Education’ is a new weekly column, starting today, with a rotation of writers, students and an administrator, examining issues relevant in schools today.

Several weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending a cross-district leadership conference in Langley. The discussion topic was on student education. As this was mainly a student-led forum, many fellow students and I found that we share the same views and issues.

One prominent notion that was unanimously agreed upon was that the current educational system is flawed.

The idea was that with its rigid present-day structure, the system lacked flexibility. Students who want an education personalized for their needs have a difficult time obtaining it; the system doesn’t always foster passion and this creates a lack of purpose for some.

While a portion of students have thrived under the current framework, many others have not. This can partially be attributed to educational programs having failed to accommodate students who do not conform to the expectations of an outdated system. It is pivotal to note that not all perceive the world in the same manner. Consequently, not all think and learn in the same way.

It seems wrong to me for people to lay blame on a student for his or her inability to succeed in a system not meant for his or her benefit. To the contrary, it would be better to embrace the individualism of students so as to promote a more wholesome community.

Read the full article.



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