Information Technology HelpDesk
IT HelpDesk

Athletics Report

Follow these steps to view the Athletic Fees Report:

  1. From the staff dashboard, click Reports
  2. Select Athletic Fees Report
  3. You will be presented with a screen similar to the one below (Figure 1)
  4. Select the desired Athletic Fees form by title, from the Select Form drop-down
  5. Your report will then be shown, containing the following (Figure 2):
    • A header section with top level information about the trip
    • List of students that have submitted forms, and payments if applicable (by clicking the + symbol next to the student name, you can see the information submitted for the student)
    • A list of students that have not submitted their forms

Figure 1: Selecting the athletic fee report 

Figure 2: Sample athletic fee report that is generated

You can export the Form Details or Fee Details to Excel by using the applicable button shown above.


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