Information Technology HelpDesk
IT HelpDesk


Staff are responsible for ensuring the integrity of registrations submitted through the Parent Portal. There are numerous procedures in place to assist with the processing of registrations, including training videos and guides.  These guides are explained further in this section.

Period Dashboard
A central information hub on enrolment for SD42 staff

The period dashboard presents a summarized view of all available enrolment requests, from new registrations, to transfers, and withdrawals. In the guide below, we outline the details of the period dashboard.

Enrolment Dashboard
An enhanced view of all registrations in a period

The enrolment dashboard presents an enhanced view of all registrations in the selected period. This dashboard provides capacity details, location and catchment details, and pertinent student details. In the guides below, we outline the features of the enrolment dashboard, including:

  • capacity grid
  • filter/sort tools
  • grid navigation
  • period management tools
Enrolment Grid
Information hub containing details of registrations in a period

The enrolment grid holds the majority of the information pertaining to the registrations of the period. Here, we can tell the current state of a registration, the name, the preferred school choices, and much more. In the guide below, we outline the details contained inside the enrolment grid.

Location and Catchment Grids
Information regarding registration location selections and catchment schools

The location and catchment grids are located at the bottom of the enrolment dashboard, and present staff with information regarding the selected school programs and their catchment schools. In the following guide, we outline each feature and the ways in which they can be used.

Registration Details Grid
Information about the registration can be found here

Located on the bottom right-hand side of the enrolment dashboard, the details grid provides information to staff regarding the registration. This information includes, but is not limited to, student name, time of registration, and whether there are siblings registered in the school district.

Student Registration Details
The central hub for managing a registration

The most widely used feature of the enrolment dashboard, the manage registration window allows staff members to view and verify uploaded supporting documents, view proof of daycare if it was used, and contact parents to request additional information about the registration. In the following guide, we outline the manage registration window, the features it presents, and the ways in which staff can utilize them.

Student Transfers
The central hub for managing a transfer

After a transfer request has been received, staff have the ability to review and complete the process using the Parent Portal enrolment system. The guides below explain the process in detail, demonstrating how requests can be reviewed, and processed.

Student Withdrawals
The central hub for managing a withdrawal

After a withdrawal request has been received, staff have the ability to review and complete the process using the Parent Portal enrolment system.  The guides below explain the process in detail, demonstrating how requests can be reviewed and processed.

Waitlist Management
The central hub for moving a waitlisted student into your active enrolment

This module allows staff to move students off their waitlist and into an active period from where they can be assigned to a school.

Search Form by ID Tool

This tool is for quickly identifying and finding forms on the Portal

Search Form Tool

State Machine Tool

This tool provides functionality for clerical to bypass form states. This will be useful when clerical needs to skip a step (For example, awaiting document upload for parents).

State Machine Tool

Waitlist Management Tool

This Waitlist Management tool contains various features such as renaming student, changing grade, attaching student number, and assigning waitlist.

Waitlist Management Tool