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Information Requests

Information Requests

Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests

British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) enables the public to request and obtain copies of records held by all public bodies when those records are not routinely available.

*Please note: This page is about Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. Questions about or requests for student records should be directed to

How do I submit a request?

If you would like to request records from School District No. 42, and those records are not routinely available through a school district owned website, you can make a formal request for records.

All formal requests for records must be done in writing and provide sufficient detail to assist staff in locating/retrieving the records sought. You may use the Freedom of Information Request Form or you may submit your request in your own format with the required information listed below.

When submitting your request for records please:

  • Try to provide sufficient and specific details of the records you seek. Broad, complex requests, or requests for “all records” take longer to process and increase the likelihood of longer timelines of delivery and larger fees being charged to you.
  • Use specific dates of records you are requesting along with locations (if applicable)
To whom do I submit the request?
Will I be charged a fee for requesting records?
How long does it take to complete an FOI request?
What records are available to the public without a request?
Whom can I contact if I have further questions?
Our vision
Our vision is for every individual to feel valued and for all learners to reach their potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to support all individuals in their development as successful learners, and as respectful, caring and responsible members of society.