
Pair of Burrard women earn NCAA lacrosse scholarships

November 13, 2020

By Ronan O’Doherty, Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows News

A pair of the Ridge Meadows Burrards finest female lacrosse players have accepted NCAA university scholarships for 2021.

Garibaldi Secondary’s Leona Sinclair will be attending Corban University in Oregon next fall, while Samuel Robertson Technical’s Alexa Ford will venture even further south after committing to Arizona State University.

Sinclair’s father, Jason, who is the current under-19 female Burrards coach, has trained the two 17-year-olds since they were around eight, and has seen them develop into skilled lacrose players.

He said Leona, who plays goalie in both field and box lacrosse, is fearless in net.

“As you might know, there’s not much padding with women’s field lacrosse, and the ball hurts when it’s shot at you,” he pointed out.

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