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Personal Information Consent

Personal Information Consent

The information below applies to the district Personal Information Consent form and the Outside Media form.

Commonly Asked Questions

Why have the consent forms changed? Past consent forms seemed simpler.

Personal Information Consent forms must be updated as regulations change. The consent forms in all BC school districts were revised in 2013 to reflect regulation changes in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Why do we now have one form for Personal Information Consent and another for Outside Media?

School districts are no longer combining the two forms because the two activities are governed by different legal requirements. 

Whereas the collection of personal information consent undertaken by a school district falls under the Freedom of Information and Privacy of Protection Act, access to school for general journalistic purposes falls under the provincial Personal Information Protection Act or the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

What if I don’t sign off on the form on the parent portal?

Schools and school districts cannot assume that an unsigned form signifies your consent. If you do not sign off on the form on the parent portal, the school will assume that you do not consent.

Why do the forms have a signature field for my secondary school aged child?

There is no bright line as to when children are capable of exercising their privacy rights. For practical purposes, school districts have used the difference between elementary and secondary schools as the dividing line, reflecting the increased autonomy of secondary students.

What is the legal framework for privacy protection?

The collection, use and disclosure of personal information by a school district is governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulation. 

The collection, use and disclosure of personal information by a media organization that is not a public body is governed by either the provincial Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) or the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).


If you have additional questions or concerns about the collection of student personal information, please contact your child’s school.

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