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Thomas Haney Secondary to host Model United Nations conference in Maple Ridge

April 12, 2024

By Colleen Flanagan, The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows News

High school students in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows will gain experience of what it is like to be on the world stage at an upcoming Model United Nations at Thomas Haney Secondary School.

Student delegates will represent different countries in two committees – the Historical Crisis Committee and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO. And within each committee they will be debating two different topics: the Onin war that lasted from 1467 to 1477 during the Muromachi period in Japan; and the exploitation of the Arctic.

Delegates will reenact a series of events of what led up to a certain point in history. Research is done ahead of time and background guides are handed out to participating students on the topic, with a timeline of historical events. Then delegates will debate and determine an outcome, which may differ from fact.

Read the full story.

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