
Westview students take ultimate fitness challenge

May 17, 2019

Westview secondary held its 13th Annual Ultimate Fitness Challenge has week, with more than 100 senior physical education students, teachers and volunteers taking part.

The Ultimate Fitness Challenge is designed to test students in Grades 10-12, both as individuals and as part of a team. They work to complete a number of physical activities – a 2.2 kilometre run, 700-metre sprint, 100 m tire flip and weight carry, a then a second 2.2 km run.

The endurance test ends with all participants working together to get over a 3.7 metre (12 foot) wall before running across the finish line in the shortest time possible.

In order to be successful teams must decide the best person to complete each event, train for that event and as a team decide the best and most efficient way to get over the wall as quickly as possible.

Read the full story.

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